Thursday, May 26, 2011

Causes of wrinkles

Causes of wrinkles

.Unfortunately, there are some factors that determine if we’ll have wrinkles that are out of our control. There are genetic factors, as some families simply wrinkle more than others, while those with fair skin and blue eyes are more likely to suffer from sun damage which can promote wrinkles. This doesn’t mean, however, that those with darker complexions are less likely to have wrinkles, however.

Over-exposure to UV Rays cause skin to get dry and even crackly. Small wrinkles on your skin are the result of these little cracks. Avoid sun-tanning, and apply sunblock when you go out.Whether because of work or a love of outdoor activities such as cricket, sailing, or sun bathing, are equally susceptible to sun damage. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as "safe tanning", so sun worshipers are likely to run the risk of developing wrinkles wherever they expose their skin to the sun. Smoking can also damage the skin and lead to wrinkles.
Skin becomes saggy when you lose too much weight at one go. Wrinkles are a result of lines formed when your skin folds over. Maintain a regular diet; don’t go on crash diets or intense weight-loss regimes.
Consuming too much alcohol overworks the excretory system, causing skin to age faster, consequently leading to the premature surfacing of wrinkles.

Women tend to develop more wrinkles around their mouths than men do. That may be because women have fewer sweat glands and glands that secrete an oily matter known as sebum (sebaceous glands) to lubricate the skin and fewer blood vessels in this area.Nutritional deficiencies are believed to contribute to skin aging or wrinkles.


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