Sunday, March 28, 2010

Home made memedies for blackhead

Home made remedies for blackhead

  • Make a homemade scrubber by soaking rice in the milk for 4 hours, grind them and make a paste. Use this paste on your body as a scrubber to remove the black heads but do not rub it too hard on the skin. You should use it in mild circulations.
  • Drink lots of fluids automatically you will not get black heads on your skin because the moister which water gives to the skin flushes away the toxins from the body and makes the skin smooth and supple.
  • Wash your face regularly with lukewarm water and a good cleanser at least 3 times a day. Keep on splashing water on the skin because blackheads usually appear on the oily skin.
  • Fenugreek is a powerful anti-blackhead herb. To cure your blackheads crush some fenugreek leaves and make a paste with water. Apply this on the affected area, say face, for about 10 minutes. And rise with lukewarm water. This will curtail blackhead growth. For clear skin, free from blackheads, apply this paste every night before bed.
  • Honey is really good for your skin. If you apply warm honey on the affected area and wash it after 10 minutes, you will benefit a lot. Honey will act as a natural peel to your blackhead affected skin. Besides, removing blackheads, it will also improve your skin.
  • This is a blackhead extraction method. By mixing equal amounts of baking soda and water, make a solution and rub it for few minutes. Now wash off with luke warm water and some of your blackheads would be removed.
  • Put in the exact ratio of 1:2:4, fuller's earth, glycerin soap, and almond powder in warm water to make a smooth paste. Now put it over your blackheads. Keep it for some time and then wash of.Or instead, mix a pinch of glycerin soap with table salt and apply it on your blackheads. Within a week, you will notice the good results.
  • Lemon is another gift from nature to have an ever shiny skin. Squeeze a piece of lemon to get its juice, and put it directly on the affected areas. Repeat this twice-thrice a day. It will clear your skin of blackheads by tightening your pores.
  • Mix oatmeal powder with rose water and apply this natural mask on your blackhead prone area. This is a very effective remedy for blackheads and checks future out break as well. Wash it off with cold water after 15 minutes.
  • This one works against your pimples, wrinkles, whiteheads and blackheads! Just grate one potato and apply it directly on the problem area. It is that simple!
  • Black heads removing strips are easily available at cosmetic stores, which can be used easily by anyone to remove black heads from the nose.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads

How to Get Rid of Blackheads

You can extract blackheads yourself if there is no sign of infection on or surrounding the blemish. If attempting to extract the blackhead yourself, always be sure to use sterile materials. It is also advised to be certain your environment is extremely clean. As suggested by skin experts, the first step would be to steam your skin for several minutes. The best way to do this is to place your face over a bowl of very hot water. It is also recommended to hold a towel over your head to keep in the steam. This will loosen the pores and make the extraction process less painful. Be careful not to scald yourself.
It is preferable to use a flat blackhead remover, or a comedone extractor to remove blackheads. You can find this product at any beauty store. It is highly recommended not to attempt to extract aggravated, inflamed or infected acne lesions since this will worsen the acne and can cause scarring.
If you are unsure of your ability to extract blackheads, it is recommended to visit a professional. Aestheticians and dermatologists can offer deep cleansing facial treatments designed to keep skin clear of black or white heads. The cost of these treatments may be a little high for your budget, but most are happy with the results and feel it is worth it in the long run.
Regular Cleansing for blackhead
Regular cleansing is recommended to everyone, whether blackheads are present or not. Initial symptoms of blackheads are not visible to the naked eye. As we spoke about earlier, if your skin is left unclean, more dirt is attracted to the skin. What starts out as yellow blackheads then turns into black, hard bumps which are difficult to extract. For this reason is always suggested to keep skin cleaned thoroughly.

Black Head

Black Head

People with acne may have different types of bumps on their skin. These can be whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and cysts. Where do they come from? Your skin is full of tiny holes called pores. If a pore gets clogged with oil, dead skin, and bacteria, the top surface can darken and you're left with a blackhead. With a blackhead, the pore stays open. But if the pore closes, a whitehead forms. According to medical practitioners, blackheads are the first stage of acne, forming before bacteria invade the pores of our skin, which in turn results in infection and inflammation (otherwise known as the pimple). These lesions typically develop after puberty, when hormones begin surging into the body and skin. The excess hormones in the skin result in stimulation of the oil gland (called the sebaceous glands). This stimulation leads to excess oil production in the pores. The excess oil gets occluded in the pores resulting in a ball of accumulated oil which, when exposed to air, turns black in color. There are many conditions that may cause or even worsen blackheads. Some of these causes are the use of topical oils and the use of makeup. While blackheads are present in almost any skin type, they are most likely to develop on people with very oily skin.

What Causes Blackheads.

Common cause of the appearance of blackheads is that the skin is has not been cleaned thoroughly. When skin is not cleaned properly, dead skin cells accumulate within the pores. These dead cells then clog the pore opening which then results in oil build up, which we already know causes blackheads to form. Yet another cause of clogged pores is the use of too much makeup. Excessive use of moisturizes, foundations or sun screens can also have the same effect as the overuse of makeup.

A good rule of thumb to always follow is that whatever is it you put on your face throughout the day, be sure to take it off before going to sleep that night. Although thorough cleansing is essential, over-scrubbing or cleansing has been found to be one of the reasons for skin's anomalies and irritation. Although excessive oil is not beneficial, our skin needs a small amount to stay healthy. Too much scrubbing or irritation of the skin will result in reflex over activity of the oil gland. This will result in increased oil production and clogging of the pores, which, in turn, aggravates acne.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dieting and fatty diet

Dieting and fatty diet

A poor diet on top of the smoking, drinking, stress and sun bathing, is just the perfect recipe for dull lifeless skin and more importantly ill health. Your skin will need ample amounts of nutrients for it to counter off the nasty toxins you are pumping in. Vitamins, minerals, essential oils…… If you are not getting the nutrients, then you are taking your skin on a beauty suicide course.

So if you are on a mission to destroy your body and skin, then the above tips will surely lead you down that destructive path. For those of you that are interested in having beautiful youthful radiant glowing skin then simply avoid as much as possible each of the above skin destroyers.


You want wrinkles fast! One sure way is to put on lots of weight and then lose it quickly. Regardless of the cause, extreme weight gain or loss will have a huge impact on your skin. Weight gain stretches your skin. Once you drop the extra kilos, the skin remains loose rather than reverting to its original state. You’ll notice, stretch marks, saggy skin, and more lines.


Physical activity helps boost tone by increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood and reducing the amount of toxins that build up under your skin. It also boosts skin health by increasing your tolerance to stress and helping you sleep-studies show that people who work out fall asleep longer than those who don,t. For optimum skin health, do three sets of 20 minutes exercise a week. This should be any thing that makes you out of breath and starts your heart pumping faster-try running, swimming, cyclng, even dancing, just so long as it gets you moving.

Thursday, February 18, 2010



Pollution and other harmful chemicals are another cause of free radicals in the skin and can contribute to ageing. Day after day it acts on your skin and ages your skin prematurely. Your face, neck and hands are at highest risk. Your skin can protect itself from the pollution but if the pollutants stay on your skin for a longer period that can cause serious problems. The air pollution not only irritates your lungs but also affects the way you look.

The pollutants cause premature aging of the skin as they “suck out“the oxygen from the skin cells and your skin looks dull and sagging. The complexion becomes grayish, rashes appear and small pimples form. Despite causing premature aging, pollution can also cause skin allergies, diseases, pigmentation, eczema and even acne. Pollution damages your skin as it increases the free radicals and the effect of the UV radiation; it decreases collagen and elastin production, resulting in a rough skin texture, clogged pores and fine lines.

On average we breathe in two grams of pollution and eat five kilogram each of food additives and pesticides every year. Avoiding pollution is tricky. However, you can help fight internal damage by increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain antioxidants to fight the damage, and also by choosing organic product where possible.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep

Not getting the right amount of sleep is a disaeter for your skin. Night-time is when the skin repairs itself-you built new cell and replace collagen and elastin damaged by the day expoure to sun and pollution. The skin is also more absorbent at night, which mean it takes in treatment more effectively. In fact research shoes that up to 25 percent more of some vitamin treatment enter the skin at night compared to during the day. Lack of sleep cut these benefits andcauses side effects of its own, such as dark circles, sallowness and puffiness under the eyes, as the skin diverts blood to fuel the tired brain and other organs. Lack of sleep will leave you with spotty, dry skin- this will be most noticeable on the face where your skin is thinnest and most will also start to get scaly and possiblely after a few bad night,s sleep as it gets more and more dehydrated.
Sleep experts admit that some of us do thrive on four hours a night, while others need atleast ten to feel their best. To find out how much is right for you, go to bed when you are tired and get up when you wake up, for a week, and calculate how long you spent in bed. Divide the week,s total by seven that,s your optimum sleepload.
Researchers have found that taking a bath with the water at atemperature of 38 to 41 degrees Centigrade promotes the production of sleep hormones, add some lavender or melissa oils to the water and you will compound these benefits. Milky drinks can also induce sleepiness, and if all else fail, try some herbal help with supplements of valerin or passionflower, which have been shown to assist people to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.



Stress is any change in your normal routine or health. Stress occurs when bad things happen, as well happy things. Getting a raise or promotion is stress, just as getting fired from your job is stress.
Stress affects the skin in a number of ways. First, it increases level of adrenal hormones like testosterone. Which have been linked to the triggering of acne. In fact stress is being blamed for the increase in so-called adult acne in career women. The stress hormones also cause blood flow to be directed away from the surface of skin to yours limbs and major organs.
Women are particularly susceptible to stress caused by hormonal changes. During puberty, your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause your hormone levels fluctuate consistently and cause stress.
Emotional and physical changes that happen in your life, illnesses, and environmental components such as extreme heat, cold, or altitude, and toxins cause stress. Pushing your body too hard at work or at play will soon deplete your body of the energy it needs to restore itself and result in your becoming over stressed.
Studies show that stressed skin doesn’t absorb products as well as relaxed skin. If stress does hit, knowing how to keep calm will help your skin survive. Try sniffing lavender or add a few drops to your bathwater (it has been shown to increase relaxation level in the brain) exercising, which slows the heart rate and triggers the production of more calming chemicals.
You can find many simple and inexpensive ways to reduce your stress level on your own. A good way to start for many people is to cut out artificial stress reducers such as alcohol, which can mask symptoms and often make symptoms worse. Eat a well-balanced diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods which are high in complex carbohydrates, moderate amounts of protein, and low in fat. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine which has been shown to increase anxiety.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Alcohol is a diuretic, it dehydrates the body and can sap it of Vitamins B. A deficiency in vitamins B can result in dry thin skin and trigger other skin conditions such as acne, rosacea. Alcohol may cause blood vessels to dilate, creating puffiness around the eyelids and a generally swollen appearance. Because of its diuretic effects, it increases leakage of blood vessels and capillaries, especially under the eyes, also leading to puffiness and redness of the lower eyelids. Another unattractive effect of alcohol is a lowered resting muscle tone, which can make the face look drawn.
Alcohol can also bring about the clumping of the capillaries. So instead of the millions of red blood cells circulating freely, they tend to clump together and clog tiny blood vessels interfering with circulation so that the cells don’t get enough oxygen. The tiny ruptures that take place in small blood vessels are a major factor behind the appearance of broken capillaries on the face.
It dehydrates the skin- as little as two drinks a day have been shown to dry the skin enough to make wrinkles more prominent. Finally, alcohol destroys vitamins B and C, the most important nutrient for healthy skin functioning. Alcohol-related problems can accrue after two drinks, so try not to drink more than this a day. Aim for three alcohol free days a week and try to drink at least two glasses of water and try to drink at least two glasses of water for every glass of alcohol.

Friday, February 12, 2010



After exposure of sunlight, smoking is the next most damaging thing you do to your skin. The main reason that cigarette smoke is toxic to your skin is that four thousand beauty busting chemical compounds are produced when tobacco burns! Also the nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels and deprives your cells of oxygen and nutrients. Studies show that during smoking there’s thirty per cent decrease in oxygen supply to your skin. Cigarette smoke is also hazardous to the healthy turnover of your skin cells. Finally, a chemical reaction occurs which creates a protein that causes the destruction of collagen and elastin. Add to this constant creasing and wrinkling of the eyes due to smoke irritation and pursing of the lips as you inhale and it’s easy to see why the average smoker looks around 10 years older than a non-smoker of the same age.
Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 toxins many of which are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are taken by the blood right into the structure of your skin.
Smoking cigarettes reduces the efficiency with which the skin can regenerate itself – smoking causes the constriction (narrowing) of the blood vessels at the top layers of the skin which in turn reduces blood supply (to the skin). It is the reduced blood supply which causes a reduction in the availability of oxygen (which is necessary for all living cells) and the removal of waste products, dead cell fragments etc… which provide the necessary environment for regeneration.
It does show its effects of smoking on lips. Smoking making the lips black and deprive them of their natural look. People spent much money on cigarettes and tobacco, which gives them nothing but diseases and side effects.
Choose a day
The day before, throw away anything that reminds you of smoking: cigarettes, matches, ashtrays. It will also help to wash curtains and Hoover carpet and furniture to get the smell from your house.
Change your routine:
Avoid activities you associate with smoking, or do them differently.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetable
This helps neutralize the nicotine in your system faster and reduce withdrawal craving. If cravings do strike, sniff black pepper oil. Studies have shown that it stop them in their track.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sun burn

Sun burn
Did you know that if you protected your skin from the sun you wouldn’t get a wrinkle on your face until you were 60? It is important to never underestimate the effect of sun on your skin. The effect of sun on your skin is the single most damaging factor in the life of most people's skin,and yet thousands of people take no care whatsoever to reduce this impact. This is why it is becoming more and more important that people do become aware of the effect of sun on your skin.
The effect of sun on your skin begins with the way the sun’s rays destroy collagen. Collagen is the substance that gives your skin its elasticity, and without it, wrinkles appear on your skin. In the peak sunlight, collagen and elastin damage can occur in as little as three minutes.
The effect of sun on your skin often produces a tan, which unfortunately many people consider to be healthy and vibrant looking. A tan is actually evidence that your skin has been damaged, not that it is healthy, and should be avoided. If that tanned look is truly important to you, begin to look to artificial tanning agents.
So just remember, keep wearing your sunscreen and stay out of the sun when possible. For day by day, wear SPF15, but if you are on the beach or sightseeing on holiday, wear SPF30 or above.Australian research has shown that this done more than just protect against further damage.
Stay out of the sun or atleast stay covered up between the peak hours of 11 to 3 o, clock, these hours can still cause damage to your skin.

Dead skin

Our Skin

The human skin is a complex organ. It consists of several layers, which are involved in a range of functions, from defense against external pathogens to temperature regulation. The skin is the largest organ of the human body and renews itself every 28 - 30 days.
The structure of the skin is basically divided into two general layers, the dermis (link to previous article) and the epidermis. The latter is divided further into 5 layers. The layer at the very surface of the skin is called the Stratum corneum, which consists mainly of dead skin cells.

Dead Skin
Dead skin has a way of making skin look dull and lacking in luster. It is so important to shed or slough away dead skin that show themselves in the form of awful looking cells of the skin that are dying.
The body sheds these dead skin cells of it's own accord, however, exfoliation through the use of skin brushes, luffah's or exfoliant skin care products, helps to stimulate new cell growth and reduces build up of dead skin cells.
Under normal circumstances, every minute of the day we lose about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells off the surface of our skin - that's about 4 kilograms per year of dead skin cells. In fact, much of the dust in a house is to a great extent comprised of our dead skin cells.
Main factor that destroy skin
All the skincare in the world won’t help if you don’t tackle the factor that destroy your skin. If destroying your skin beauty is your intention, then here are some quick and possibly solution to do it.
  1. Sun
  2. Smoking
  3. Stress
  4. Excessive Alcohol
  5. Lack of sleep
  6. Pollution
  7. Lackof exercise
  8. Dieting and fatty diet

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tips for feet

Tips for feet

If you haven’t treated your feet for a while, just this once goes to chiropodist and gets your feet spoilt for session.

Before every bath or shower, spend two or three minutes whisking over your feet with a foot file or pumice to remove dead skin. In a pedicure you do this after you’ve soaked, but day to day it’s better done before your bath.

For extremely dry feet, lather on a layer of cocoa butter to each foot, slip your feet into plastic bags and pull on a pair of oversize socks. Leave on overnight while sleeping and when you awaken the next morning your feet will feel smooth, silky and soft.

Give yourself a major pedicure once a month to keep nails under control.

Treat any unusual problem quickly. While you may not like to think about it, feet do get some nasty on them and pretty quickly too. So if you get corns, verrucas or fungal infection, sort them out as you notice them.

Add milk to a footbath for softening the feet

Try a foot massage. It’s relaxing and rejuvenating.

In addition to soaking your feet, you can scrub them to reduce the problem of foot odor. This is best done with natural home remedy products that have a strong smell. Ginger, radish and lemon are all good products for creating a foot scrub that will truly cleanse your feet. Do this once or twice a week.

You can also soak your feet in vinegar once or twice a week to reduce the problem. Vinegar stinks too so you’ll want to do this one at the end of the day when you’re not going anywhere. Wash your feet, dry them thoroughly, stick them in a pair of socks and go to bed.

Salt water can dry out your skin so if you wash your feet in it then you can reduce the moisture of your feet and that will reduce their tendency to get stinky fast. When you are done with your shower, soak your feet in a solution of warm salt water. Don’t rinse it off; merely wipe it off with a towel and let your feet dry fully before putting socks on.

If you dry out your feet but then stick them inside of sweaty shoes then you’re just going to get smelly feet again right away. Air out your shoes before wearing them again.
Don’t wear the same pair every day because this worsens the problem.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Foot Treatment

Foot Treatment
Treat your feet with this home-made foot bath,which will soothe aching limbs and speed up circulation.
Boiling water
Green tea (loose or bags)
Peppermint oil
Fill a bowl full of boiling water. Add five green tea bags or two scoops of flaked green tea and three drops of peppermint oil. Wait five minutes and check the water has cooled enough to put your feet in it.Soak your feet for five minutes. Get out the feet and pat them dry ans apply foot cream or body lotion.

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